Monthly subscription

from $34.00

With our subscription you get freshly roasted coffee, hand packaged and delivered or shipped right to your door. We offer local Portland delivery, and nationwide shipping.

Choose “Pick Up” at check out and get one free drink every time you pick up.

Our subscription saves you 2-6 dollars a purchase and gives you access to seasonal, small lot coffees on a rotating basis. You can choose to have our experts choose your new favorite roasts with our “Surprise Me!” option, or choose from our classics. Either way, it leads to warm hands and a warm heart.

As much as we’d love you to stay forever, you can cancel (and reissue) your subscription at any time.


Delicate, fruity, delicious.

Our rotating selection of small lot, seasonal coffees roasted to their unique perfection, is an incredible way to experience the full spectrum of what a light roast can be. Careful not to fall in love- these are exclusive and change often- but there is always something to look forward to.

Brewing suggestion: pour over, chemex, aeropress.

Current Light Offerings:

Frutas Citricas (citric fruits)

Predominant notes:

Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Lima, Gooseberries, Green Mango, Guava, Tart Cherries, Arrayanes, Jasmine, Rose, Cardamom


Toffee, Cream, smooth.

Each uniquely roasted medium here at Reforma has character. Amazing coffees that challenge the idea of what a medium roast “should be,” and opens the door to what it can be.

Brewing: Chemex, French press, autobrew.

Current Medium Offerings:

Blends are wonderful, especially when you are blending coffees that you are proud of. For us it’s very simple: if we would not offer a coffee as a pour over or on drip in our cafe then we are certainly not going to use it as a base on our blend, either.

Suavecito Blend

Light & Smooth, that’s what we are going for with this wonderful blend. A rich layer of sweetness to start with a light fruit finish at the end. This is our most “in- between” roast, not too light, and certainly not too dark. Just a beautiful mild fruit acidity with layers and layers of caramel. Suuuuuuuuavecito!

Notes of mazapán, flan, and duvalin.

Abuelita Blend

This was the coffee you grew up with! It’s as bold as it is nostalgic, crafted to be something Grandmothers can be proud of; chocolatey, nutty, and full of rich brown sugars and dried fruits.

Notes of milk chocolate & brown sugar.


Our Dark Roast

Con Leche

This one here is for the person who likes their coffee to taste like coffee.

This is what you would drink if your favorite dinner was also a high-end restaurant. The problem with more dark roast is that they are usually roasted dark to hide all of their imperfections. In the process of it the coffees are typically oily and almost on the verge of turning rancid (dead fish smell). This here, is not that coffee, at all.

It’s dark, it’s chocolatey, it’s bold.

Whether you add milk or you choose to drink it straight up.

Notes of smokey vanilla & bakers chocolate

Coffees are subject to change based upon availability. In the event of inventory change, order will be replaced with a matching profile.

*Indicates seasonal selection.

Number of bags:
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